Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another Beatiful Day, Another Awesome Ride II

Yes, another beautiful day and another awesome ride. There were four of us this time and the temperature was in the mid 60's. We added another extension, so that we could savor the great weather even more. I had emerged from work with long sleeves, a jacket, and tights on my legs, but it was so warm that I removed my tights and jacket and really enjoyed the warmth of the sun. Mid-ride we were in the shadows of a crest, but the enthusiasm of the beginning of the season kept me warm enough.

A few of us intersperse sprint points throughout the ride: whenever we come to a town line or city limits sign, there will be a sprint to see who can reach it first. Tonight I took the first sprint, coming from behind and passing the other rider before the sign. On the return, the same person I passed leaped out again. I tried to catch his slipstream, but just didn't have the strength to reel him in. However, on the final climb up to work, I led the way up the hill, feeling strong enough to get out of the saddle for a good portion of the climb. (Nothing like what Bill has on store for himself, but a little strenuous nonetheless).

After the ride I went for pizza and beer with the other sprinter. For me two slices - anchovies on one and fresh tomatoes on the other, and a Sierra Nevada Porter to wash it down. Nice way to end another awesome ride. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and mid 50's. I won't be looking for an awesome ride then...


CAPII said...

If my knees were good, I might like to try it. Just have to walk!

Hey Karl- concerning the weather station that is on your home page. Is it local or universal? I like the presentation. Link?

Karl said...

This is the Gadget I use. You enter your local weather-underground site (mine is the local airport) and it gives you he local weather.

Weather underground PWS current conditions.
This gadget provides you with your Personal Weather Station updated data from
By Jordi Morell

CAPII said...

Thanks Karl- check it out

Ken koch said...
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Ken Koch said...

I find skipping all that exercise and going straight to the pizza and beer is a nice way to end any day.