Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day of High School Together

Inga and Erik took the bus to school together this morning! Erik is two-years younger than Inga, exactly; they share the same birthday, so they are something like twins. I enjoy telling the story, which is actually true, that one child was a week late of the delivery date and the other was a week early, so they actually conspired to have the same birthday.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture. Please send me a high res copy... I want to print it.

Lacey said...

i miss them!!! hope to see them soon!!!

Lacey said...

by the way..dancer12357 is lacey gelzinis....robin gelzinis's daughter! ;)

Karl said...

Hi dancer12357! Glad you came to visit and leave your comments. We had a great time when we saw you last at the Roberts Reunion.