Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Erik's First Day of High School

Following Marion's theme, here is a picture of Erik's first day of High School (he is a freshman this year) from this morning. As you can see, he has shot up in height and is significantly taller than his mother and could soon be taller than his father. His sister's first day as a junior in High School is tomorrow.

Erik seemed in a good mood returning from school. He is taking History of the Civil War, Math - Trigonometry, English, Biology, Orchestra, and World Drumming. Speaking of drumming, I am also including a photograph of him from the Battle of the Bands from this past summer. He is the drummer. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger version.


Anonymous said...

And to think I remember Erik as this little boy at one of Robert and Downy's Christmas partys, who was so shy that he pulled a knitted yellow ski cap down over his face when people talked to him. Alex is in his second year of high school and Samantha in 8th grade. Enjoyed the pictures.

Anonymous said...

World Drumming???? Why didn't they have that when I was in High School... It might have changed my life.